Author name: sociologyguruvijay

Labour and Society

Labour and Society | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Labour and Society (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-6 : Labour and Society Man according to Marx is a creative being .He with his labor acts upon the nature and tries to change it. Man can never get satisfied with the existing conditions and always look out for a change. Work provides …

Labour and Society | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Education and Social change

Education and Social change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Education and Social change (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-10 : Education and Social change Education is one of the important agencies of social control and agent of social change. The word education has been derived from the Latin word “educare” which means to bring the pupil up and develop in them those habits …

Education and Social change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Agents of Social Change

Agents of Social Change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Agents of Social Change (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-10 : Agents of Social Change Physical Environment: Major changes in the physical environment are very compelling when they happen. The desert wastes of North Africa were once green and well populated. Climates change, soil erodes and lakes gradually turn into swamps and …

Agents of Social Change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Development and Dependency

Development and Dependency | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Development and Dependency (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-10 : Development and Dependency There are many theories of development and dependency. These theories have strengths and weaknesses. One shortcoming of all of them is that they frequently give short to the role of women in economic development. By putting the theories together, however, we …

Development and Dependency | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Sociological Theories of Social Change

Sociological Theories of Social Change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Sociological Theories of Social Change (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-10 : Sociological Theories of Social Change Social change is a change in the social structures and functions of those Structures. The term social change is also used to indicate the changes that take place in human interactions and interrelations. For example Change in Structure …

Sociological Theories of Social Change | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Contemporary Trends

Contemporary Trends | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Contemporary Trends (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-9 : Contemporary Trends There is a diversity of family and marriage forms today in different societies across the world. In some areas, such as more remote regions in Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim, traditional family systems are little altered. In most developing countries, …

Contemporary Trends | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour

Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-9 : Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour Patriarchy: Literally, rule by father, this concept is used to refer to a system that values men more and gives them power over women. Sexual division of labour is a system in which all work inside …

Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Lineage and Descent

Lineage and Descent | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Lineage and Descent (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-9 : Lineage and Descent The term “lineage” consists of all descendants in one line of a particular person through a determinate number of generations. Where the living members constitute of recognized social group it may be called lineage group, Sometimes the lineage consist of all descendants through …

Lineage and Descent | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Types and Forms of Family

Types and Forms of Family | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Types and Forms of Family (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-9 : Types and Forms of Family Types and Forms On the basis of marriage: Family has been classified into three major types: Polygamous or polygynous family Polyandrous family Monogamous family On the basis of the nature of residence family can be …

Types and Forms of Family | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

Household and Marriage

Household and Marriage | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru

Household and Marriage (Relevant for Sociology optional for UPSC CSE) Paper-1 ,Unit-9 : Household, and Marriage Household: A household includes all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied (or if vacant, is intended …

Household and Marriage | Sociology for CUET by Vikash Ranjan | Sociology Guru Read More »

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